One of my "Twitter Buddies" is a Certified Diabetes Educator who is working on an advanced degree. On Twitter she asked the question, "Okay, working on a school discussion. No better people to ask them those with DM themselves: What's your favorite coaching strategy from your HCP to help you prevent complications? #DSMA" Since my answer would run longer than 280 characters, here goes.
I essentially have two distinct health care teams. My primary care provider is a GP who treats veterans in the Veterans Affairs healthcare system. That patient population likely has fewer people with Type 1 Diabetes than a more diverse population than those seen by a GP in private practice. He generally helps me with regular health concerns. When it comes to Diabetes, he generally defers to my Endocrinologist while at the same time helping me get care for some of the Diabetes-related issues.
The other part of my team is led by my Endocrinologist who divides her time between the VA and work in a teaching hospital. This gives her intimate familiarity and experience at helping me manage the nuances of Type 1 Diabetes.
When I first met my PCP several years ago, he reviewed my electronic health record and said, "You need to get your A1C down." This is something I already knew going back to 1994 when I was diagnosed and shortly after the Diabetes Control and Complications Trial was published. That trial basically said there is a definitive scientific basis for the notion than lower blood glucose levels result in a lower incidence of common complications arising from Diabetes. What my PCP was saying was something I already knew, was something I was working hard to accomplish on a daily basis, but because of challenges from other complication it was something I was unable to do.
I told him something along the lines of "I've read the DCCT, I know what it says, and my Endocrinologist and I are working real hard at optimizing my A1C. However, between gastroparesis, hypoglycemia unawareness, impaired kidney function impacts on insulin efficacy and despite frequent blood glucose monitoring, use of a Continuous Glucose Monitor and the most advanced insulin pump available to me, this is (for now) as good as it gets." What I was communicating was that I am aware of the importance of lowering my A1C, but am also knowledgeable about my illness and the various factors in my particular situation that make this goal challenging. I also said, "What I need help with from you is in managing these variables." I was asking for his expertise and experience and showing him that I was going to be cooperative and willing to do my part with helpful guidance from him. Just saying "You need to lower your A1C" was simple but not helpful - what I was looking for was concrete, actionable and realistic tools and tips to meet that objective. So far, with that common outlook in place, this relationship has worked out pretty well.
With my Endocrinologist, the coaching relationship is a bit different. I am fortunate that our relationship is (as I see it) a fully collaborative partnership. As we discuss my case, we take into account clinical best practices and work them into realistic lifestyle choices that will most safely lead to optimal glycemic control. She is in close contact with my gastroenterologist, nephrologist and cardiologist as well as my PCP - the idea being that she stays informed about the other issues having a bearing on my Diabetes management.
While my healthcare team helps "Coach" me to be as healthy and happy as I can be with all of these challenging conditions, I believe that just like an athlete, coaching can only do so much - the actual performance is up to me.
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